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CXperts is your Guide to Effective, Sustainable Experimentation

As you well know, A/B testing, CRO, or digital experimentation is more than running the occasional test, but building and running a high-value optimization practice may seem like a daunting task for you right now. Don’t worry. We got you.

TL;DR - Let's Connect

Benefits of CRO

A well designed program can drive big performance gains in the form of improved customer experience, risk mitigation, and huge returns on investment. This is supported by using data to make decisions and creating a new, statistically-informed step in your change management process. You’ll gain visibility and confidence that you’re making the right changes to your website. 

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Optimize paths of conversion and engagement

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Be confident that changes to site are positive

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Reduce or avoid  risk in rolling out new changes

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Make data-driven (not opinion-based) decision making

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Increase returns on your marketing investments

Why CRO Matters

Prior to CRO, companies would identify an insight or area of UX breakdown, request a change, then deploy and pray that the solution was right; it’s slow and risky. It’s inefficient.

With CRO, you can test, tinker, and iterate with several solutions, landing on the one that serves both your users and your company. 

This all sounds well and good, but who manages and does this? Will a good CRO tool do all of this for you? Even if you’re already in search of (or you actually are) a singular CRO expert, ultimately it takes the coordinated efforts of a team and tech to build a durable CRO approach.

Your Team of CRO Experts

CXperts CRO clients are paired with a:

  • CRO Strategist to generate new test ideas and assist with roadmapping
  • Analyst to to sift and interpret data, helping make meaning to inputs and insights
  • Producer to ensure both our teams are on task and tracking to agreed-upon goals
  • Development Team(s) with always on, quick-turn response times
  • Bonus of you, your A/B testing tool, (and this is where we say AI, right?)

It feels like a lot but in reality, it takes a focused group of professionals and compatible technology to run a successful, sustainable experimentation program. Read more on our approach to CRO ➜.

Your CRO Platform

A requirement for any CRO program is a testing tool that’s compatible with your business and your website or app. We partner with best-in-class experimentation platforms in this space and can help you navigate which platform might be best for your use case. Our team collectively has years of hands-on experience, maintains several expert certifications, and continues to sharpen its skills on this tech:

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More and Better Ideas

We’ve seen over and over again that tests rooted in customer data tend to produce more frequent and bigger wins than those based on best practices or heuristic review. We will build a program that helps your team understand customer friction, validate - and quantify the impact of - user feedback, and establish priority of fixes, then design tests to help drive continuous improvements. We call it the DXI Feedback Loop.

Let's Partner

We’ve guided all kinds of companies across verticals, some just getting started with experimentation, and others  needing fresh ideas or developer resources to build momentum.

Our favorite way to engage with clients is a long-term, partnership where we collaborate on CRO goals, experimentation strategies, and tactical best practices to ensure we are moving and in the right direction together.

Whether you’re needing a guide to get started with testing or need to increase testing velocity and ROI, we have custom plans and pricing options for you.  Let’s connect and talk about your CRO goals!

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